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Situated in the lush landscapes , the Avaragoda St. John’s Estate stands as a beacon of faith and hope. Its story is one of unwavering dedication, bountiful blessings, and a testament to the enduring power of giving.

In 1867, a pious man named Susew de Soysa gifted a portion of his land to the Church. His selfless act was driven by a desire to secure the upkeep of the local church and cemetery, ensuring a sacred space for generations to come. This land, cradled by rolling hills and kissed by the warm Sri Lankan sun, became known as the Averagoda Estate.

For decades, the Averagoda Estate served its intended purpose, providing a steady stream of income for the Church’s needs. However, in 1920, an opportunity arose to further the Church’s mission of education. A portion of the estate was sold to establish S. Thomas’ College, Mount Lavinia, a prestigious institution that has nurtured young minds for over a century.

With the sale of the land, the Church used the remaining funds to purchase the St. John’s Estate, a sprawling 110-acre property brimming with potential. However, managing the estate proved to be a challenge. Various companies entrusted with the task struggled to yield substantial returns, leaving the Church’s income stagnant.

In 1986, the Church knew it was time for a renewed approach. The Board of Wardens took over the management of the estate, determined to unlock its true potential. With dedication and hard work, they transformed the landscape. Lush coconut groves now blanket the majority of the land, with pockets of pepper plants promising additional bounty.

Each year, the estate flourishes, rewarding the Church’s faith with a harvest of 100,000 to 175,000 coconuts. This windfall not only sustains the Church’s needs but also allows it to continue its important work in the community.

Today, the Avaragoda St. John’s Estate stands as a symbol of more than just financial security. It is a testament to the enduring spirit of giving, a legacy passed down through generations, and a promise for a brighter future. As the coconut palms sway gently in the breeze, they whisper a silent prayer of gratitude to Susew de Soysa, whose selfless act continues to bless the Church and the community it serves.

The Avaragoda St. John’s Estate is a story of faith, resilience, and the transformative power of generosity. It is a reminder that even the smallest seeds of kindness can blossom into bountiful blessings, enriching not only the giver but also the lives of countless others.