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The Holy Emmanuel Church Choir was established in the 1860’s when the choristers were only males. Eventually, after about 120 years in 1980’s the females were given the opportunity to join the choir. HEC choir leads and enlivens the congregation’s song.

The choir provide music and hymns that help worshipers feel closer to their faith, while also providing a source of inspiration for the sermon or every other message being delivered by the priest.

There have been several choir masters who have served the choir over these years. They are Mr. Shelton Silva, Nelson Mendis, Lasla Fernando, Neomal Attanayake and Sanjeewa Silva. The choir consists of 37 members along with 4 organists.

The choir leads all the holy masses on Sundays and participates in Weddings, Thanksgiving services and Funerals.

Choir leads the worship in all Lent services which starts from Ash Wednesday. The choir’s longest period of participation takes place during Lent, which starts from Ash Wednesday up to Holy Week which ends with Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. The choir has the responsibility to organise the carol service during December. The choir participates in the Christmas, church anniversary, and New Year mass. 

The Holy Emmanuel Church choir have always been an active group within the church.

At present Mr. N. Victoria trains the choir and the Incumbent Rev. Malinda de Mel leads as the Choir Master.

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