The Mothers Union of Holy Emmanuel Church is one of the largest branches of Mothers’ Unions of Sri Lanka, which is affiliated to the worldwide Mothers’ Union, which started in England in 1876. The Mothers’ Union of Holy Emmanuel Church was inaugurated by Bishop Harold de Soysa who was the Vicar of Holy Emmanuel Church then. To start with there were about 15 members some of whom were Mrs.E.A.Salgado, Mrs. C.A. Lambert de Silva, Mrs.P.T. Jayasuriya and others. The strength of the Mothers’ Union is now 65 members.
The aim of the society is the advancement of the Christian religion in the sphere of marriage and family life and in furtherance of the said aim to carry out all or any of the following objectives-:
- To uphold Christ’s teaching on marriage’s sanctity and promote its wider understanding.
- To encourage parents to bring up their children in the fear and love of the Lord.
- To maintain a worldwide fellowship of Christian mothers united in prayer, worship & service.
- To promote conditions in society favourable to stabilize family life and the protection of children.
- To help those whose family life has met with adversity.
Mothers’ Union meetings are held every 1st Thursday & 3rd Sunday of each month. Committee meetings are held once every three months. Here programmes are planned. We have spiritual, educational and health programmes. Every 1st Thursday cottage meetings are held in the homes of the members. On 3rd Sunday speakers are arranged to speak on a wide variety of topics that concern the Mothers’ Union. Tills are given out every year and the collection is used for the upliftment of the needy each month. This practice has gone on from the very start of the Mothers’ Union. The members run a canteen after service every Sunday to collect funds. Collection cards are distributed each year and the funds are used mainly for transport to participate in Central Mothers’ Union activities. Monetary collections are made before Christmas time each year. The objective of it is to provide clothing to needy people mainly to be worn on Christmas day.
The members of the Mothers’ Union visit the Lunawa Hospital, St.John’s Home, The Home for the Handicapped Persons in Egoda Uyana, The Blind Colony at Katubedda and other places that deserve fellowship and care. The members try their best to provide these less fortunate people with a memorable time.
A few days before Christmas the members of the Mothers’ Union go caroling to the elderly and housebound members of the Mothers’ Union cheering them up and making them happy, instilling into them the joyful message of Christmas. The members participate in all Church activities be it making tea or serving dinner. Get-together picnics are held once a year to promote love & fellowship among them.
The main concern of the Mothers’ Union is the Sunshine Home for Elders, which provides shelter to 20 elders. The Wardens of Holy Emmanuel Church loaned them 89 perches of land belonging to the Church for this project. We ventured without any funds on our hands but armed with simple confidence in the almighty believing that nothing is impossible with God. The home started with rooms donated by the late M/s Hilda & Sylvia Peiris costing Rs.140, 000/=. This was initiated by the late Mr Anton Fernando, Mrs F.R.E Mendis and the nucleus of the Home, Mrs Anula de Mel.
The building is expanding slowly as contributions come in from generous parishioners, friends and well-wishers. Our vision is to provide accommodation for males & elderly couples as time goes on. The founder of this Home is Mrs.Anula de Mel who was the enrolling member at that time. A Management Board nominated by the Mothers Union manages this Home. The past Management Board comprised the Vicar as the Chairman and Mrs Anula de Mel (Vice Chairman), the late Mr Ernie de Silva, Dr Edgar Gomes, Mr Anton Fernando, Mrs Rita Goonasekara, Mrs Shirani Perera and Mrs Kanthi Perera, Mrs Mandrupa Fernando, Mr Ebert Perera and Mr Sumithra de Silva.
Seven members of the Church nominated by the Committee of the Union including Branch Leader, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer (Ex-officio) of the Union. An Ex-officio member can be elected as one of the project leaders.
A yearly “bring & buy” sale, some of the items, which are handicrafts, made by the elders, the members of the Mothers’ Union and contributions from Companies provide income for the Home.
The Sunshine Home for Elders goes on from strength to strength due to the valiant efforts of the members of the Mothers’ Union and the generosity of our parishioners and well-wishers.
Almighty God, our heavenly Father, who gave marriage to be a source of blessing to mankind, we thank you for the joys of family life. Pour cut upon us your Holy Spirit that we may truly love and serve you. Bless all who are married and every parent and child. May we know your presence and peace in our homes; fill them with your love and use them for your glory. Bless the members of the Mothers’ Union throughout the world, unite us in prayer and worship, in love and service, that strengthened by your grace, we may seek to do your will; through Jesus Christ, our Lord –
Office Bearers 2023/24
President | Rev. Malinda de Mel |
Branch Leader | Mrs. Deepthi Fernando |
Asst. Branch Leader | Mrs. Stella George |
Secretary | Mrs. Premani Ferdinando |
Asst. Secretary | Mrs. Nilmini Fernando |
Treasurer | Mrs. Srikanthi Mendis |
Asst. Treasurer | Mrs. Errani De Mel |
Prayer Secretary | Mrs. Sunethra Fernando |
Committee Members | |
Mrs. Kanthi Perera | Mrs. Sheila Mendis |
Mrs. Creeta Mendis | Mrs. Nelum Peiris |
Mrs. Preethi De Mel | Mrs. Shamila Baven |